Sunday, May 16, 2010

The begining

O.k. so this is my first blog...

Don't really know who's going to read this but I guess with blogging being quite popular and millions of people surfing the net someone might just stumble onto it.

I don't really know why I started the blog, but I just found myself with the urge to do it. I have a few ideas to blog on one of and probably the main one is about a project I am trying to start with disadvantaged children in Danville, South Africa. Then I'll be sharing my thoughts on current world situations as well as the goings on in my home country.

I guess for this first entry I'll talk about myself and the project I'm going to start...

I studied journalism but never quite got into it, it just didn't grab me after I realised that this was not what I was called to do. It did give me a few nice experiences though as it got me a job at the university where I work for the journalism department and ran a current affairs radio show. I also wrote for a local newspaper called Rekord West and was nominated as one of five student journalists of the year.

But after that I've gone from job to job and strangely enough I'm starting a new one tomorrow with a marketing company.

The project I want to start comes in with my previous job. For most of the last year, I worked for a non-profit organisation/charity/community centre called Eleos (meaning Grace in Action).
I ran an after school centre in a place called the Danville Kamers (Rooms) where I took care of the primary school children in the afternoon. I fell in love with these children, but their circumstances broke my heart (the reason I couldn't be a good journalist I can't stay neutral.)

Alas I have to leave them now as my new job is a full day desk job which doesn't allow me to help anymore. So I thought of a way I can still be involved. So I took one of my greatest loves, music, and decided to teach them guitar lessons.

I just feel that this would give them a sense of self worth and accomplishment, something very few of them have and their parents don't help either.

So in my blog I will follow the progress of these children, but first I need to get it off the ground. I need sponsors for guitars, music books etc... But I firmly believe that this will come soon enough!

So much for a short first entry.

Be Blessed!

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